Pinpoint exactly what stage of business you’re in, discover the unproductive patterns that are keeping you stuck, and finally BREAKTHROUGH to the next level of income and success.

Building and scaling a business can be complex and challenging.


it doesn't have to be.

What's The Biggest Mistake

Business Owners Make When Attempting To Scale?

Dear frustrated business owner, 

What most traditional “Business Gurus” don’t tell you is that there are 7 very distinct stages of business ownership…. And at every phase, there’s a price you have to pay.

I’ve worked with business owners at ALL levels… 

Non-Starts, Startups, Operational Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs, Operational Megapreneurs, Megapreneurs, and even Investor Philanthropists.

And there's one CRUCIAL THING that determines the success or FAILURE of their businesses...

✅ Doing the right thing at the right time in their business...


❌ Doing the right thing at the wrong time in their business.

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “Nope, not me. I’ve listened to the podcasts, I’ve gone to the $10K business event, I’ve done the business coaching. I know what I’m doing.”

I’m going to be completely honest here...

Your business is NEVER GOING TO GROW... IF

  • You are operating the right way in the wrong stage of business

  • You keep running into the same issues over and over again like clockwork

  • You solve problems, but not the problem that caused the problem

  • You follow the advice of "Gurus" who haven't scaled and automated multiple businesses

  • You don't hold yourself accountable for your success as a business owner

  • You don't yet understand the price you need to pay in order to grow through each stage of business development

It doesn’t matter where you’re at in your business journey. Doing the right thing at the opportune time will literally make or break your ability to grow.

"Success is about

taking advantage

of opportunity."

- Mike Ditka

I know what it's like to start a business and


The Problem Isn't The Fact that Growing a Business Is Hard...

... or that there's something wrong with your product or service ... or because you don't have an MBA.

Not knowing exactly what phase of business you’re in… and running your business like you’re in a different phase than you actually are… is the #1 mistake that business owners make. 

I’ve seen it a million times.

The reason why 50% of businesses fail in the first year is because most business owners simply don’t know and do what they don’t know and do.


🤯 They don't know that there are 7 very distinct stages of business and they don't know the specific things they should be doing in each stage

🤯 They don't know that there's actually a proven formula for massive growth that is uniquely designed to get you through each of the stages

Unfortunately, the success of your business — and whether or not you scale or stay stuck — is severely limited by your lack of knowledge on the 7 stages of business and where you’re at today.

Unfortunately, the success of your business — and whether or not you scale or stay stuck — is severely limited by your lack of knowledge on the 7 stages of business and where you’re at today.

The other problem, perhaps an even bigger problem, is that most business owners keep operating like they’re in a much “higher” stage of business than they actually are….

And the truth is, with so many “Business Gurus” popping up every day, it’s hard to know who to listen to. 

Most Gurus talk from the phase of business that they’re currently in because it gets them attention… and if you listen to them, it’ll only compound your problems.

These Gurus Will Tell You To...

Hire employees because they’ll grow your business faster

Get a CEO because they’ll allow you to shift your role from “operator” to “owner”

Buy that fancy car or charter a plane because it’ll save you a ton of money in taxes

These are big, big mistakes in most stages.

The thing is, all of these strategies can help your business. But only if you’re doing them at the right time.

You need to know exactly what you should be doing, and when, if you really want to grow your business.

I've Got You.

If you’re reading this, and you’re thinking that you’ve wasted so much time and energy trying to grow your business, don’t beat yourself up. 

All hope is not lost. 

You are not doomed to business failure. 

I have a proven way for you to scale that will take you from a Startup to an Investor Philanthropist.

If you feel stuck and are ready to scale, this formula can turn your business around:

  • A Step-By-Step Growth Playbook

  • Business Coaching From The Absolute Best

  • A Peer Group of Business Owners

  • Massive Accountability

When you combine all of these things together, I promise —it will completely transform your business… and fast! 

I’ve helped hundreds of business owners at every stage go from “struggling and stagnant” to the next level for a mere fraction of what they’ve been paying some “Guru” selling another seminar or audio course.

So… who am I

and why should you believe me?

I’m Preston Brown, the founder of Your Best Life (YBL).

I’m ALSO an 8-figure mega-preneur philanthropist — and guess what — I just turned 40! 

Last year, my 15 businesses grossed revenues in excess of $184 million. I’ve built startups, bought and sold companies, and scaled businesses to the highest level using this exact formula.

I have created a life of my own design, and I have the time to enjoy it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re just getting started, or have already achieved some degree of success. The formula works the same way – and will help your business grow in a predictable, reliable and profitable way.

It is so effective that it has been used by billionaires…. Yes, you read that correctly. 


So now that I've got your attention...

let me ask you this:

  • Are you ready by now to move to the next level of business, and beyond?

  • Are you in need of a clear and effective plan of action today?

  • Do you want growth that’s predictable, reliable, profitable, and duplicatable?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then keep reading, so you can finally become the entrepreneur that you know you’re capable of being.


The 7th Degree is a mentorship and accountability group where you will learn the EXACT STEPS to get out of the business stage you’re in, and into the next.

He’s Shown me How To Live on Purpose

I met Preston Brown over 12 years ago and now I consider him not just a friend but family. He has been encouraging me to pursue my passion which is life coaching and with his encouragement I have been very aggressive with my passion. I trust him and know he is an amazing soul, he has shown me and my family how to live our life on purpose.

Victoria Olivia Isais

Real Estate Agent & Investor | El Paso, TX

It’s perfect for business owners who feel stuck, who lack a clear plan of action forward, and who are sick and tired of wasting their money — and time — on solutions that simply don’t work.

When you join The 7th Degree, you get direct access to the knowledge that has fueled my path from near bankruptcy to becoming an 8-figure mega-preneur. 

❌ No overpriced “business seminars”

❌ No 50 module digital courses

❌ No vague mindset “fluff”

You get access to me, personally – and an action plan that includes the steps you need to take in order to grow right now. 

Listen, I know what it’s like to start a business and completely fail. 

It’s embarrassing and can be impossible to recover from financially. 

To go back to your family and friends with your tail between your legs saying “I failed” or “I can’t do it” is not something I’d wish upon anyone. 

I ALSO know what it takes to build a high-performing business with the ability to scale. 

You need a step-by-step framework. You need accountability. 

Most importantly, you need to surround yourself with other achievers — and learn from their mistakes so you don’t make them yourself. 

That’s where The 7th Degree comes in. 


A Mentorship and accountability group where you will learn the EXACT STEPS to get out of the business stage you’re in, and into the next.

Are you ready to take the next step?


He is the definition of “service to others” and is always willing to go above and beyond for his students. I look forward to learning from and growing exponentially in the 5 areas he and his team lend a guiding hand to : faith, fitness, family, finance, and fun! Thank you Preston for all of your support and encouragement!

Sol Mustafa

Real Estate Investor | San Antonio, TX

Here's what's included:

Live Weekly Q&A Coaching

Forget about those programs where you don’t actually get access to the person at the top. I show up every single week, LIVE, to coach you through your business growth journey. 

Lifetime Access To The 7th Degree Growth Content

You'll learn the nuts and bolts of every stage of the business building process, while also learning how to seamlessly scale from one stage to the next. Best of all, you get lifetime access to ALL of the 7th Degree growth content!

Accountability Coaching

You'll always find an excuse for why your business isn’t growing, why you haven’t moved forward, or something to blame when things go wrong. Being held accountable is crucial to your business's success and you'll be held accountable by your coaches and your peers every step of your journey.

A Peer Group of Highly Committed Business Owners

It’s proven that being a part of a small group of other committed business owners with a range of experience, expertise and personalities can fast-track your own growth. You'll be surrounded by like-minded business owners who are growth-oriented and committed to taking their lives and businesses to the next level.



Exclusive Content From High-Performing Mega-preneurs And Thought Leaders

You’ll also get access to exclusive, behind-the-scenes content from high-performing mega-preneurs and thought leaders like Jim Qwik, Dave Asprey, Gabby Bernstein, JJ Virgin, and Kevin Harrington, just to name a few.

It Will Make You a Better Person

The fact that you're opening yourself up to new tracks of thinking, new opportunities, both personal, business, in any way you can think of, it's really just going to make you a better person all around.

Cooper Brock

Headline Goes Here And Headline Goes Here...

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Clients name

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

Headline Goes Here And Headline Goes Here...

Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id. Massa enim nec dui nunc. Convallis posuere morbi leo urna. Amet tellus cras

Clients name

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

Headline Goes Here And Headline Goes Here...

Porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id. Massa enim nec dui nunc. Convallis posuere morbi leo urna. Amet tellus cras

Clients name

Title, Company or Location Goes Here

The truth is, based on the results my clients have seen from this program, I could charge 10X what I’m charging… and I do! 

In fact, I have a group of mega-preneurs that I travel the world with, who get the same coaching that you will in The 7th Degree.

But because I know you’ve probably been burned by all of the “Business Gurus” out there, you might not 100% trust me yet, or be ready to make a year-long commitment.

That’s why I’m making

A Mentorship and accountability group where you will learn the EXACT STEPS to get out of the business stage you’re in, and into the next.


for just





If you don't like it... cancel at any time, no questions asked.

Listen, I know that you landed here for a reason, and it’s because you’re struggling in some way… but more importantly, you're ready to 7X your growth right now. 

I also know that as a result of what you’ll learn through this program, it’s impossible for your business not to grow.

The choice of what to do next is completely in your hands.

Are you ready to move into the next phase of your business — and beyond?

If the answer is YES….

Or, you could keep hacking away on your own and…

Continue feeling like a failure because your business isn’t growing...

Keep spinning the wheels because you don’t have a clear plan of action...

Go broke from owning a business that isn’t profitable...

Hire a business coach for thousands per month without seeing results...

Waste precious time and hard-earned money repeating the same mistakes over and over again...

Whatever you decide, I’ll leave you with the most important thing that I’ve learned over the past 15 years of being an entrepreneur:

You only see results if you first commit, and then take action.

So if you really want to level up your business, and are committed to massive growth as a business owner, then there’s only one thing left to do: 

Take action.

The 7th Degree is a mentorship and accountability group where you will leaImagern the EXACT STEPS to get out of the business stage you’re in, and into the next.

When you enroll today...


  • Weekly live coaching

  • Immediate access to the 7th Degree content

  • Expert and peer accountability

  • Community of growth-oriented business owners

...and much more




Guarantee Goes Here

Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis. Faucibus a pellentesque sit amet. Nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus.

But I have questions...

Frequently asked questions

Question 1 goes here

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Question 2 goes here

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Question 3 goes here

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium nventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium.

Preston had changed my personal and business life

Preston had changed my personal and business life for the better in more ways than anyone can imagine. Anytime I’ve ever had a problem in both areas he was able to get down to the root of the problem and help me solve and learn from mistakes I didn’t even know were hurting me. He helped me understand that business and personal issues can always affect one or the other if they are not aligned in the same way. What I love is that one can never stop growing and to always keep learning in order to succeed in what I am trying to accomplish. Thankful for his friendship 💗

Corinna Brock

COO Preston Brown companies | El Paso, TX

Preston has touched so many parts of my life.

He has a remarkable ability to distill complex business ideas into simple structures that are measurable, and his entertaining delivery helps the ideas stick. His coaching has helped me become a better businessman, husband, father, and son, and I continue to find myself surprised at how much this massively successful megapreneur cares about those different aspects of my life. That's the thing that ties the whole Preston experience together- it's grounded in sincerity and authenticity.

Steven Nguyen

Real Estate Investor | Palm Springs, California


Preston as my broker ahs shown many strong characteristics that entail the description of a true BOSS; I know for me he is one of the most exemplary, & positive guidances in the workplace & in life that I have come across. I'd like to thatnk him for his guidance & support as my preferred broker. His work ethic and efforts really motivate & inspire me. Also the manner that he deals with obstacles thrown his way is admirable & I'm sure I'm not the only one that extremely appreciates the support he shows his team & employees.

Carmen Lazar

Summus REALTOR | Texas, USA

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